Welcome to my site!

After spending much of my adult life taking a “responsible” approach to a career; I realized that my passion and my path lay in writing- it really always has. With a Master’s degree behind me, and many life experiences, I write about what I know, what I question, what I think. I believe in communication, dialogue and helping others. My blogs are  just that- advice, food and fiction.

Along with developing my blogs I have just finished writing my first fiction novel! I am in the process of submitting it to agents.

I have been criticized, adored, loved, betrayed, laughed at and trusted. I am human and make many mistakes. I love life and I love to learn about all things. I write with great passion and drink wine with just as much gusto. Life is an adventure. I’m along for the ride for as long as it will have me.

9 responses to “Welcome to my site!

  1. Tabitha Arrendell

    You’re a great writer Shann! I enjoy reading your posts!

  2. Tom

    I read your article in the Buffalo News this morning and I wanted to say, it inspired me. It’s wonderful that you’re following your dreams and to never stop dreaming. I hope to challenge myself, like you have, and to come away with the same realization. I look forward to reading your first fiction novel. You have a great spirit, continue to share your passion.

  3. Tom,
    Thank you so much for this comment! It means a great deal to hear these kind words. The inspiration for writing this was in hoping that it would help others. Help people to see that they are not alone in the “economic” challenges they face. I am extremely passionate about writing; about the written word, and I do hope to continue inspiring other through my writing. Thank you again!

  4. Tom

    You’re very welcome. I never take time to send such messages to someone who deserves such praise. I look forward to hear more of your future accomplishments. I hope you don’t mind, but I plan share your story with others, to help inspire them too. All the best to you.

  5. Bonnie

    Shannon: I read your view about farmer’s markets in the Buffalo News on June 29th and wanted to share it’s wonderful to hear someone acknowledging farmers markets. I am a nutrition educator for a cooperative extension service and tell all my participants to frequent farmers markets. Our grocery stores are filled with processed foods and I agree with you when you said “the fun, creativity and freedom of shopping is literally ripped away from you”. I love coming home with my reusable shopping bag filled with fresh veggies and fruit.

  6. Bonnie,

    I am so greatful for the responses I have gotten for that article. When I write these pieces, I write them because they are important to me, and I want to help others. Thank you so much for your comment and for visiting my site. I hope you will return to see some of my other great articles and food reviews. Thank you again Bonnie, I truly appreciate the comments.

  7. Katherine Heaney Wallace

    I finally got a chance to investigate this site! You did a wonderful job and I look forward yo resting more!

  8. Shannon – Do you have contact info?

  9. Yes I do. I apologize, I am in the process of redesigning and buying my website, so I hope to have a contact page within the next month. In the meantime please add a contact email and I will email you privately.

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